What Kind of Surfaces Is a Laser Rangefinder Good On? Complete Overview, FAQs, and More

People often ask, what is the difference between the Sig Sauer 2200 BDX rangefinder and the 25400 BDX rangefinder?

In this article, we will tell you the difference between these two rangefinders.

What Kind of Surfaces Is a Laser Rangefinder Good On?

Laser rangefinders are great tools for measuring distances. They’re also good at measuring the distance to objects that you can see, but they aren’t so hot at measuring distances to things that you can’t see. The laser Rangefinders work well on surfaces with fewer obstacles. Obstacles between you and your target can cause inaccurate measurements.

How Does a Laser Distance Meter Work?

A brief description of a distance measuring tool would be that they use the principle of reflecting a light beam. For example, if you want to measure the distance between two walls, you’d place one of these devices against each wall and then press a button.

The length of the laser pulse determines the accuracy of the distance meter. Considering the velocity of the laser pulse, distances can be measured accurately. Distance meters can also accumulate independently so they can measure surface areas and volumes.

Laser rangefinders based on this tech­nology are gener­ally called laser rangefinders and belong to the cat­egory of devices that don’t require physical contact with the object to be measured.

Ultrasounds have been used for decades to measure distances. They’re based on the principle of reflecting sound wave energy. But they weren’t very accurate and didn’t allow targeting the desired points.

Are Laser Distance Meters Better Than Traditional Meters?

A good traditional measuring tape can be useful for measuring short distances or simulating the size of objects. For example, bricklaying pros still use them.

It is important to remember that to use a distance meter, you need to have a reflective object on which the pulse of light from the distance meter can bounce.

Therefore they’re not suitable for measuring lengths that don’t have protrusions at their ends where the light bounces off.

On one side, they provide accurate measurements; on the other, they’re expensive. Some of the advantages are as follows

  • The immediacy of measurement,
  • Easy to use,
  • The ability of operators to measure distances themselves

These measuring instruments are extremely important for protecting workers’ health and well-being. They allow us to measure heights safely and securely, eliminating the need for unsafe working conditions, and preventing accidents at height.

What Kind Of Surfaces Is A Laser Rangefinder Good On?

What Kind Of Surfaces Is A Laser Rangefinder Good On?

Tips for Using a Laser Distance Measure

As the distance between objects increases (such as when measuring the length of an object), even small changes to the device used for taking the measurements can result in significant differences in the final results.

To ensure that the laser measures correctly, use a stickie note or a strip of tape as a target.

Outdoor measurements using a handheld device can be tricky because the device may not always be able to accurately detect where the sun is located. Some devices come equipped with built-in viewfinders or external viewfinders to help users align the device with the sun.

Make sure to use the laser measuring device after cleaning it thoroughly. Laser measuring devices rely on an uninterrupted beam, so anything blocking the beam could affect its accuracy.

To get an accurate measurement, use something like a sticky note on the opposite side of where you’re measuring.

To help track down the red dot on the target surface in daylight, use a view­finder.

Before putting it away into a toolbox, clean the laser measure so that you can continue to get the best measurements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a laser tape measure?

A laser tape measure uses a laser beam to measure the distance between two points, with each one having its accuracy and range. But you want to get a model that will give you more accuracy while still giving you enough range for different applications.

How do I use a laser tape measure?

Before using the laser tape, turn on the device and choose the desired measuring method. Depending on the type of measuring method you’ve selected, you should be able to see the distance measurement from your current position to the other object.

What’s the difference between a rangefinder and a laser tape measure?

A handheld electronic device called a “lens” is often utilized for long distances and when accuracy isn’t that important. These devices are usually employed by people who hunt, play golf, and some forestry professionals.

Most models will go from 100 feet to 1,000 feet, but some may be able to reach farther than that. Laser tape measures are mainly for measuring short lengths of distance and when accuracy is important.

What are the best target surfaces for a laser tape measure?

You need to be able to view the red dot on the target you’re trying to measure from a certain range. If the surface is transparent, then you may not be able to accurately measure distances.

How can dust affect a laser tape measure?

Just like any other electronic device, lasers can be affected by dust particles. If you want to ensure they continue to function correctly, you will therefore have to clean them regularly.

When there’s too much dirt around the measuring device, you may not be able to get an accurate measurement. And the same is also true when trying to take measurements in extremely dusty conditions.


We hope that now you have an idea of which surfaces a laser rangefinder might work well.

If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.


  • Herman Riggs

    Herman is a writer, researcher, and product reviewer here at The Outdoor Stores. His knowledge and expertise in firearms are immense. He knows well which gun is suitable for which purpose and how to handle it correctly. You can benefit from his passion by reading his posts on this website.

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