What Is the Price of a Tasco Night Vision NV 200 Monocular? – Everything You Need to Know

Do you want to know what the price of a Tasco Night Vision NV 200 monocular is?

Let’s find out.

What Is the Price of a Tasco Night Vision NV 200 Monocular?

The price of Tasco Night Vision NV 200 monoculars is $299.99

How to Choose the Best Night Vision Monocular?

It is important to know what they are and how to use them when buying a pair of binoculars for hunting.

One of the biggest issues when hunting at nighttime is having insufficient lighting. Regular monoculars or binoculars won’t be able to provide you with enough visibility.

Under such conditions, a night-time monocular would be extremely useful. A high-quality nighttime monocular in your hunting equipment would help you in many ways too.

Compactness is one advantage of these products. They’re small enough to carry around in your pocket when you’re out and about.


Among the most critical things to consider when buying a high-quality monocular for nighttime use are its generations.

There are three generations (or types) of binoculars available. Each type has a significant improvement over its predecessor.

  • Generation 1 has low quality but is very cheap.
  • Generation 3 has the highest quality available for consumer use but comes at a high cost.

Generation 1

Night vision devices for first-geners are very easy to use; if you want to see large objects like buildings or ships, or even protect your house, these types of night vision devices are perfect.

They magnify the intensity of light by 500 times. Distortion may occur at the edges.

Generation 2

Night vision goggles are more advanced than first-generation models. They were initially designed for military or professional use but now they’re available for civilian use too.

They are designed with a micro-channel tube that amplifies the signal. The best ones are the generation 2+ binoculars, which offer exceptional clarity.

Generation 3

Generation 3 monocular devices are currently used by the U.S. military. Contrary to popular belief they are available and legal in the United States.

There are even better NVGs than these, but they’re not cheap. However, the next-gen will be the best quality for most consumers.

These scopic lenses are very expensive but they amplify light by up to 50,000x and allow you to see clearly from far away.

Generation 4

Currently, there aren’t any fourth-gen night-sight monoculars available for purchase. However, these devices are commonly referred to as “Generations 3” because they use film-based technology instead of digital sensors.

They are used by the U.S. military and law enforcement.

These were originally developed for use by the U.S. military. However, when the U.S. Army first tried them out, they found that they weren’t any better than existing technology. So, they officially classified them as “Generations 1″ and 2.”

What Is the Price of a Tasco Night Vision NV 200 Monocular?

What Is the Price of a Tasco Night Vision NV 200 Monocular?


Residual Light Amplifier

A technology used by some monoculars is a “residual light amplifier,” also known as an “image intensifier.” Image intensifiers pick up small particles of light (such as photons) and amplify them into larger ones.

Electron Gun

The residual image intensifier consists of an electron gun that amplifies the intensity of the remaining visible radiation after the exposure has ended.

Electron Beams

At last, all those electron beams hit a phosphor screen, causing them to produce light again in the right place so that a green (light) image is produced.

Field of View

A typical night-time field of view for a night-time monocular is between 150 and 250 meters (500 and 800 ft). More expensive night-time monoculars with longer ranges can see up to 1 kilometer (1 mile) at night.


Some types of binoculars may not be able to see objects at all times because they don’t have any residual ambient lighting. However, if you’re using them in complete darkness, you might need to install an external infrared illuminator.

Infrared Waves

A monocular for nighttime use transmits infrared waves, reflecting them back to the monocular where they’re captured and converted into a clear image on its display screen.

Additional Lighting Sources

Infrared (IR) cameras don’t require any additional lighting sources because they emit their own IR light. This means that you can use them even when there isn’t any ambient light available.


An infrared night vision monocular can provide clear images at distances up to 200 feet.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging monocular cameras don’t rely on light. They see things just as well at night as during the day. Animals will light up when they’re seen by them.

Thermal imaging cameras see through fog, rain, snow, and even foliage. They’re widely employed for both recreational purposes (hunts) and for controlling populations.


Infrared cameras detect and measure the amount of infrared light emitted and reflected from objects or people to create images showing their temperatures.


Night vision goggles use devices called microbolometers to detect infrared radiation emitted by objects at night. These detectors then convert the detected radiation into an electrical signal which is fed back to the screen for viewing.


Entry-level night-vision binoculars that utilize thermal-imager technology can only provide clear images at distances up to 50 feet.

Digital and Analog

You can also buy either digital or analog monocular scopes. However, there are some important differences to consider when choosing one.


Analog video cameras provide the highest quality images, but they can be damaged by exposure to too much light, which causes black spots to form on the image.

Too many black dots may cause considerable loss of sight. Monoculars designed for digital use do not suffer from this problem and can be worn both during the day and during the evening.


One of the biggest advantages of digital night vision binoculars is that they’re cheaper to manufacture than traditional ones. This makes them an ideal choice for recreational purposes.


Night vision monocular goggles have a wide range of applications. They’ve become increasingly popular in recent years. Here’s a list of some of their most common usages:

  • Military
  • Low-light security
  • Hunting
  • Wildlife management
  • Recreational use


You shouldn’t spend too much when buying any type of equipment. Also, you don’t need to purchase expensive equipment if you’re not sure whether you’ll use it often. Set a price range based on your preferences.

Third-generation devices are the newest, so they’re also the most costly.

These days, first-gen devices are getting quite affordable. You could probably get a decent one for under $200.

A second-gen device is still fairly expensive, but if you’re willing to spend some extra cash, you can get a decent one for less than $1,000.

If you want the best quality, then you need to spend at least $3000 for an AGM Global Vision device.


Night-time scopes enhance images by using visible light. Night-time monoculars enhance images by using infrared light.

A night vision monocular doesn’t use ordinary lenses; instead, it uses photo-cathodes. When infrared light strikes the cathodes, they activate the electron flow and cause a chain reaction.

When an activated photon hits the phosphor-covered screen, it emits light and creates a green picture when viewed through a night vision device.


The Night Vision Monocular is a night vision device that allows the user to see in low light conditions. The monocular has an illuminated reticle and can be used for hunting, military operations, or any other application where it is necessary to see at night.

If you have any questions feel free to comment below


  • John Moses

    John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.

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