Why Is My Monocular Blurry? – Quick & Easy Guide

Having blurry monoculars could be one of the most irritating things to happen to a hunter. 

It is very easy to solve though so there is nothing to worry about. Let’s get started. 

Why Are Your Monoculars Always Blurry?

When monoculars aren’t focused correctly, they’re blurry.

Most people can easily adjust the focal length of their binoculars by turning the focusing ring on either barrel independently.

Many people don’t realize that there is an additional step needed to ensure they’re getting the clearest, sharp images possible. This step is proper calibration of their monoculars for their vision.

How To Fix Blurry Monoculars?

You don’t need to repeat this step every time you use your binoculars. If you accidentally change the settings or if someone else uses them, just reset the settings by following these steps.

Once this is done, you should be able to focus on your subject and get a completely sharp, crisp image.

  1. If the dioptric correction rings are on the right side of the binoculars, start out by looking through them with your left eye open, and then close your right eye. If they’re on the left side, do the reverse.
  2. Keep your eyes closed, then turn the focusing wheel until it focuses on something approximately 30 ft away.
  3. Open the eyes that were previously closed, and close the other ones.
  4. Turn the dioptric ring until the subject is sharply focused.
  5. Now, open both your eyes and look through the telescope at the same object. Make sure it’s clear and crisp, which indicates that your telescope has been properly adjusted for your eyesight.

Using a Monocular, Basic Steps

Here we discuss some easy ways to get the most out of using a monocular. The basic steps are:

  1. If you wear glasses (or contacts), take them off.
  2. Clean the camera by removing the protective cover from the front of the camera and ensuring there is no dust or dirt on the sensor. If needed, use a microfiber cloth to wipe away any debris. These are extremely fragile lenses, so don’t use anything too rough like kitchen towels or toilet paper.
  3. Look at yourself in the mirror in the direction of where you want to go.
  4. Monoculars are designed for use with just one eye. Put the ocular lens up close to your dominant eye, without touching your eyes. If you wear glasses use the monocular gently against your lenses.
  5. If you haven’t used binoculars before, switch between using both eyes to get the best viewing experience. After all, a mono­scope is one half of a bi­nocular, so use this fact to your advantage to determine which eye is better for seeing things.
  6. Hold the monocular firmly with one hand and use the other hand to hold the camera steady.
  7. Focus the lens by adjusting its position until the entire frame is in sharp focus.
  8. If you want to see something clearly, move your head slowly in sync to the video feed from the camera mounted on top of your glasses.
  9. If you want to know where something is, first identify its target or object. Then, if necessary, determine its distance from other nearby things.
  10. Bring the target object within the centre of your visual range and keep your eyes focused on it.
  11. Focus on the target until you can clearly view it through your monocular camera.
Why Is My Monocular Blurry? - Quick & Easy Guide

Why Is My Monocular Blurry?

How Do You Set Up a Monocular?

Monoculars usually come with preset settings, but if they’re not working well for you, there are several ways to tweak them so they give you better results. Here we discuss some simple adjustments you can make to improve your monocular’s performance.

Adjust The Focus

First locate the object you want to observe, set up your binoculars so that they show a bright ring around it (this is called “focusing”), and then use them to get an accurate picture of the object. Then, using your monoculars, zoom in on the object until it appears clear in your monoculars. Repeat these steps until you can clearly observe the object.

When you’re shooting video with a monocular, keep these things in mind: You may lose sight of your subject if you look away from them, and you need to hold the camera very close to your eyes so that they stay in sharp detail. Also, when you take the monocular away from the subject and then bring it back, there is a slight delay before the image becomes clear again.

Adjusting Aperture

If you notice that star points seem dimmer and hazier in some parts of the field of view than others, then it may be because you have a lens element called an “apertur” in your focus mechanism that needs adjustment.

Most high quality binoculars allow you to adjust the eye cups by using a hex key. Any good binocular should include a diagram in its instructions to help you figure out how to use the adjustment mechanism. You don’t want to tighten the eye cups too tightly, because this could cause them to become damaged and difficult to adjust.

If either eyepiece becomes loose inside its ocular housings, tighten the screws that hold them together.

Alignment Considerations

Handheld monoculars can be either hand held or attached to an object such as a camera or a tripod.

Alignment, however, is subject not only to optical but also mechanical issues; a perfect alignment can only be achieved by using an aligner that allows for adjustments of its intersecting points at exact right angles.

Therefore, it is recommended that an optometrist aligns all monocular telescopes before using them for astronomical observations – aside from alignments for simple terrestrial uses.

Understanding Lenses

These devices’ fields of view are related to their lens diameters and how close they’re held to your eyes. Larger diameter optics mean wider fields of view, but also costlier equipment.

Practice Makes Perfect

Monoculars require hand-to-eyesight coordination, which can be acquired through practicing on small objects like coins or ping pong balls or playing sports like golf or cricket. It may sound like an impossible task but is easily attainable with some patience.


We hope you’re now clear on why your monoculars are blurry and how to set them up properly.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.


  • John Moses

    John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.

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