Do you want to know how to switch the night vision monocular to the right-hand view?
Let’s find out.
How to Switch Night Vision Monoculars to Right-Hand View?
Night vision binoculars are usually made for right-handers. However, if you’re a lefty, they can be easily flipped upside down so that they work just fine on your left hand too.
The first thing you need to decide is whether you’d rather view things using your left or right eye. Most people would choose to view things with their right eye when using night vision goggles.
Because the images from the two eyes are combined by the brain into one single picture, the images from the right eye are seen by the right eye and the images from the left eye are seen by both eyes.
The Best Night Vision Scope For AR-15
Here’s a quick list of some of the best night vision scopes for AR- 15s.
These are high quality video and thermal imaging scoops that allow you to capture and share your trophy-hunting adventures.
Glass Clarity & Reticle
It doesn’t come with any lenses and glass like you’d expect to see on a traditional scope. Instead, it has an electronic display screen.
It’s fully digital so you can take it anywhere, even in total darknesÂs, which is perfect for hog or predaÂtor hunting.
With the ATN THOR HD, you can go hunting at any time of day or nighttime when your prey is most active.
Thermal Imaging Sensors
With this scope, it is recommended to use thermal cameras and digital conversion processes to superimpose a thermal image onto a video stream so that you can see exactly where the prey is hiding.
The infrared cameras detect the heat signatures emitted by animals so you can see them in the darkness.
Thermal imaging scopes allow me to see my game even when there’s no light available. They also let me spot targets through thick vegetation and bushes in daylight conditions that would otherwise block my line of sight.
Eye Relief & Eye Box
The ATN ThOR 384 has an extremely short eyewear length of just 2.5 inches.
It has an aluminum body with plastic buttons, and its battery and port connections are o-ringed. It is sturdy, though not robust.
Weather Resistant
The factory specs say that it is “resistant.” It is marked as “waterproof” and “shock resistant.” This lens cannot be submerged into water. Nor can it withstand beating against rocks and trees as you scramble to another location for a better view.
The ATN THOR 384 series start at $2,000 and climb in cost as the magnification power gets higher. With only a three year limited warranty.
Its biggest drawback is its fragileness.
Elevation & Windage Knobs
There are no physical dials or buttons on the digital scope.
All of the calculations take place in a split second and the scope adjusts itself automatically so that my shot goes exactly where I’ve aimed.
Once you’ve followed the zeroing instructions, sighting in the rifle is fairly straightforward.
With this lens, there is no parallax because it has no optical elements.
The ATN Thor HD 384 is available in various magnification levels. The 2-8x level works well for hunting hogs.
The forward and back buttons control the zoom. Zoom between magnifications is very smooth. There’s no clunk through powers.
Mounting & Rings
The ATN Thor HD 384 comes with its very own quick-releasable mount. It screws right into the Weaver Base. It even has a Quick-Releasable Mount so you can attach it to different guns without any trouble at all.
Removable: Can easily be taken off with hand tools

Where Is the Fuse in Best Guarder Night Vision Monocular?
Sightmark Wraith
The Sightmark Wraith Night Scope is the best night sight you can get for less than $500.
Glass Clarity & Reticle
With day or night, this optic delivers crystal clear images with a 1280p screen.
Manually Adjustable
The images are crystal clear, crisp, and easily adjusted by hand. Full color HD at night automatically adapts to the light conditions and looks just like looking through a telescope.
During the day, the display can be seen in either green or black; at nighttime, however, the display can be turned on in either green or
Illumination Setting
At the lowest brightness level, the lens is still quite bright and tends to kill any natural light perception you may have. However, the green filter is a bit friendlier to the eyes than the blue one.
IR Flashlight
It has an 850nm infrared light source that can illuminate objects up to 200 yards away without any trouble.
You can remove the flashlight from the device, so you can use a higher-powered infrared light instead.
It also has a built-in camera so you can record videos. The quality is just as good as if you were using an external camera.
The reticles come in nine different colors so they’re easy to see during daylight hours and at night. We would recommend using the traditional black on the shooting range and the bright orange for nighttime practice.
Eye Relief & Eye Box
Night sights usually require you to be looking at them straight on, but the 2.4 inch on the Wraith allows for a wider field of view.
The soft silicone eyecups help to absorb recoil and prevent light dispersion at night, but they can be easily taken off during the daytime for easier viewing.
Waterproof Resistance
It’s shockproof, weatherproof and mostly water resistant.
It has an IP rating of 55 which basically translates into “you can still take it out in light rain but not swim with it.”
It’s powered by four AAA batteries and the illuminators runs off two CR123 batteries so that you can use them independently of the scope without worrying about battery power.
Life Span
It does live up the 4.5 hours that Sightmark claims, but we found that lithium ion (LiPo) cells give an even longer runtime.
It’s a large gun, both because it’s nearly indestrucÂtible and can withstand heavy recoils, and because it’s heavy.
With a battery pack, the weight of the device is approximately 36.3 ounces. However, with all of the extra features and electronics, you may not be able to find something lighter.
Elevation & Windage Knobs
The manual adjustment knob is very sturdy, but initially difficult to turn because it’s so tightly fitted into place. However, this is a sign of how well the unit is protected from moisture or dust.
It is really easy to zero after reading the manual. After three rounds, it was ready to shoot again.
Parallax & Magnification
The Sightmark Wraith magnifies up to 32 times.
When using the camera, we found that the image would become pixelated when viewing objects close up (less than 50 yards). However, the lens is capable of seeing objects at distances greater than 50 yards.
At 8x, even though we were able to see hounds at 150 yards during the day, we couldn’t see them at night.
Mounting & Rings
It comes stock with a fixed Picatinny mount. The top weavers allow for additional accessory mounting options.
A monocular is a type of binocular that allows the user to see objects at greater distances than they would be able to see if using a pair of regular binoculars.
Monoculars are designed to be used in combination with other types of nighttime vision equipment, such as NVGs, but they can also be used independently when needed.
Feel free to ask if you have any further queries.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.