What Future Technologies Could Use Laser Rangefinders – Complete & Easy Guide

Laser rangefinders are a great tool for hunters, but they’re also useful in other applications. You might be wondering what future technologies could use laser rangefinders.

Let’s find out.

What Future Technologies Could Use Laser Rangefinders?

Here are some of the most promising future uses for laser rangefinders:


Hunters use lasers to measure distances and angles between themselves and their prey. The distance is measured by measuring how long it takes light from the laser to reach the target.

The angle is measured using a device called an inclinometer that measures the amount of tilt required to hit the target at a specific distance.


Navigation devices have been around for decades, but they usually require you to carry a GPS receiver or a compass.

A laser rangefinder can be used as a navigation aid when you don’t want to carry anything else. It can help you find your way back home after a day on the trail, or even if you’re lost in the woods.


A laser rangefinder can be very helpful when surveying land. You can quickly determine the elevation of any point on the ground without having to climb up there.

This makes it easy to create accurate maps of large areas.


If you work with construction materials, you may need to know where all the pieces come from. Laser rangefinders make this process much easier because you can scan a building site and see exactly what’s available.

If you’re planning a new house, you can get a rough estimate of the size of each room before you start digging trenches.


Farmers often rely on GPS receivers to track their crops. But these devices aren’t always reliable. They can fail if the farmer moves too far away from them or if the batteries die.

A laser rangefinder doesn’t suffer from these problems. It can accurately measure the height of crops, which helps farmers decide whether to plant more seeds.

Laser Rangefinder Technology

Laser rangefinders are the most accurate and reliable tools for measuring distances. They can measure distances from as close as 1/10th of an inch to over 100 feet (30 meters) with a high degree of accuracy.

The laser rangefinder is used by many professionals, including architects, engineers, surveyors, construction workers, landscapers, and homeowners. It’s also used in many other fields such as surveying, agriculture, forestry, mining, military, law enforcement, and more.

History of Laser Rangefinders

The Laser Rangefinder has been around since the 1960s but it was not until the 1990s that it became popular with consumers. The first laser range finder was invented by Dr. Edwin Land who later founded Polaroid Corporation.

He developed the device to help him determine how far away objects were when he was working on his invention called instant photography.

Types Of Rangefinders

There are two types of laser rangefinders: optical and digital. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s take a look at both types so you can decide which one best suits your needs.

Optical Laser Rangefinders

An optical laser rangefinder uses light waves to measure distance. These devices use lenses to focus the light onto a sensor or detector. Optical laser rangefinders are generally smaller than digital models.

This makes them easier to carry and store. However, they do require batteries, and they cannot be used indoors.

Digital Laser Rangefinders

Digital laser rangefinders use electronic technology to measure distance instead of using light waves. Digital rangefinders are much larger than optical ones because they include all the electronics needed to calculate the distance.

They are usually powered by rechargeable batteries. Digital rangefinders can be used anywhere and even indoors.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Optics vs Electronics

There are several advantages and disadvantages of each type of laser rangefinder. Here are some of the main differences between optics and electronics.


An optical laser rangefinder is typically smaller than its digital counterpart. This means it will fit into your pocket better, and you won’t need to lug around a large battery pack.

On the downside, it may be harder to see where the target is located if it’s small.

Battery Life

A digital laser rangefinder will last longer than an optical model. You don’t have to worry about replacing batteries every few hours like you would with an optical model.


An optical laser range finder measures distance based on the time it takes for the laser beam to travel to the object and back. If you want maximum accuracy, then optically-based rangefinders are the way to go. However, these devices tend to be bulky and expensive.

On the other hand, a digital rangefinder calculates the distance based on the number of pulses sent out and received. This allows for greater precision and less chance of error.


You can get a good deal on an optical laser rangefinder. But, you might pay a premium for a digital version.


Both types of laser rangefinder offer similar features. Most models come equipped with a display screen that shows the distance to the target. Some models also have a magnification feature that lets you view the target up close.

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What Future Technologies Could Use Laser Rangefinders?

Next-Generation Laser Rangefinder Technology – STORM II

STORM II’s compact size and solid ­­­­­laser technology provide the modern warfighter a highly capable solution for supporting a wide range of combat missions, from dismounting to vehicle mounting.

Capable of detecting targets up to 1,000 meters away, STORM II has been adopted by snipers worldwide. It can also be used to detect targets from inside armored vehicles and is even on remote-control weapons station systems. It works in any weather condition and can survive the impact of heavy weapons.

STORM II’s solid-state laser provides warfighters with extremely short bursts of power, allowing them to confirm their targets’ ranges within several tenths of a nanosecond.

Pulse Laser Technology in STORM II

A single pulse laser provides STORM II with improved targeting capabilities for stationary and moving targets, as well as greater penetration through battlefield obscurant materials than lower power, multi-pulse lasers.

Enhancements in STORM II

New enhancements include the addition of an integrated ballistic calculator for improved accuracy.

Integrated Digital Magnetic Compas­sor

STORM II has additional capabilities, including an integrated digital magnetic compas­sor, which allows operators to perform azimuth and elevation measurements in addition to rudimentary targeting.

Ballistic Calculator

Moreover, STORM II includes a ballistic calculator capable of performing various ballistics calculations available within the U.S. military and SOCOM.

It calculates temperature, humidity, and pressure before automatically calculating ballistic offsets for specific rounds being used.

Intrasoldier Wireless (ISW) System

STORM II can be connected to the Intrasoldier Wireless (ISW) system, an Army program designed to provide soldiers with wireless connectivity. Data generated by the sensor can be transmitted via the ISW system and displayed on board any ISW-enabled equipment, including the L3 Harris Enhanced Night Vision Goggles (ENVG). STORM II also has Bluetooth capability.


We hope that this article was helpful. If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.


  • John Moses

    John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.

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