What Is the Difference in Distance Rangefinder Angle Distance? – All You Need to Know

People often as, what is the difference in distance rangefinder angle distance.

Let’s find out!

What Is the Difference in Distance Rangefinder Angle Distance?

The first thing to understand about a rangefinder is that it measures distance by measuring horizontal distance. The horizontal distance between two objects is measured from the center of the lens to the edge of the object.

For example, if you are shooting a basketball game and want to measure the distance to the basket, you would use your rangefinder to measure the distance from the center of the camera lens to the edge of where the ball will be when it hits the rim.

If you were using an optical rangefinder, this would be called the actual distance. If you were using a laser rangefinder, this would also be called the actual distance because the laser beam bounces off the object and returns back to the sensor.

What Is Slope?

First, we need to specify just what kind of slope we are discussing. In golf, the term “slope” often refers to the proportional difficulty of a group of tees based on high versus low handicapped golfers.

The slope is then used as a relative score to communicate how difficult a set of holes are. we talk about the slope of a course (given as a number) and it is a relatively easy way of comparing courses and adjusting handicaps from one course to another. That’s not the kind of slope we’re discussing in this article.

The kind of slope we’re talking about here refers to the difference in elevation between two points along a line. Whenever you hike uphill or downhill, you are hiking up or down a hill.

Imagine a triangle on its side, and you’ll see a hill. On the golf course, we encounter this all the time because shots that go from one place to another that are at the same level are the exception rather than the norm.

Of course, most of the time, this difference is really enough to worry about, especially when most of us can’t hit every club exactly the same distance every shot anyway. This doesn’t mean you should just forget about it altogether though.

Why Is Slope Important?

The slope is very important for any golfer to consider. This is because, while you may calculate the distance between you and the flag in a straight line, you do not hit the ball in a straight line. The ball is hit at an arc and with a trajectory that affects how far it actually goes.

Even if the exact physics of ballistics are beyond you (and they are certainly beyond me!) the principle is easy enough to grasp. After your shot hits its peak, it begins to fall. And as it falls it continues to move forward. Depending on the slope of the land, this could affect the distance of your shot anywhere from 20 to 50 yards. That’s no small change!

A smart course architect actually uses this effect to trick the golfer. Well perhaps the trick is too strong a word, but it is part of good golf course design to lure the golfer into thinking that he needs to hit it further or shorter and this is often done with subtle changes in elevation.

Knowing the angle at which you’re hitting the ball is important for determining the type of clubs you need, the speed at which you swing them, and the kind of spins you impart on the ball. Basically, everything that affects whether you get a good shot off!

Balls will roll down hills faster than uphills. Knowing exactly how much difference there is in elevation between you and the pin will be extremely important and in all honestly, it is almost impossible to determine this by sight alone.

What Is the Difference in Distance Rangefinder Angle Distance? - All You Need to Know

What Is the Difference in Distance Rangefinder Angle Distance?

How Does a Rangefinder Calculate Slope?

Basically, the rangefinder shoots a laser out at a target. When the laser bounces off the target, the delay between its being sent out and returning gives the distances to the flagstick. This is a principle common to all golf laser rangefinder devices, although obviously, some do it a lot better than others!

The other calculation that the rangefinder with a scope can make is to calculate the angle of return. Unless you are exactly parallel to your target, the returning laser beams will be of a certain number of fractional degrees.

The rangefinder uses this difference to calculate the angle and gives you an adjusted distance. You just need to adjust the distance by playing this adjusted distance.

What are Distance Sensors?

A sensor detects the distance between two things by measuring the change in electrical resistance when they touch each other.

How do Distance Sensors Work?

Commonly associated with ultrasonic sensors, it functions by outputting a signal (depending on technology; ultrasonic waves, IR, LED, etc.) and measuring a change when the signal returns.

The change measured can be in the form of either:

  • the time it takes for a signal to return,
  • the intensity of a reflected signal,
  • or phase change of the returned signal.

Distance Sensors vs Proximity Sensors

Distance sensors can be used for proximity sensing, they’re often confused with proximity sensors. Here’s a quick comparison between the two types to help you understand their difference.

Sensors detect whether something is present in their sensing area. Hence, they don’t necessarily tell you the exact location of the thing detected. Read more about proximity sensors here.

Distance sensors sense distance from the object and the measuring device through an output current. These currents are generated as a result of several waveforms, such as ultrasonic waves, laser, IR, etc.


We hope that this article was helpful. If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.


  • Herman Riggs

    Herman is a writer, researcher, and product reviewer here at The Outdoor Stores. His knowledge and expertise in firearms are immense. He knows well which gun is suitable for which purpose and how to handle it correctly. You can benefit from his passion by reading his posts on this website.

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