People often ask, what mount is the Canon rangefinder?
Let’s find out!
What Mount Is a Canon Rangefinder?
Canon rangefinders use Leica Tread Mount. Which is also called M39. , M4 or M5. The mount has been used by the company since the 1950s and was first introduced in 1955 as an alternative to the Leica screw-mount system. It’s still in production today.
Canon Rangefinder Cameras
An Overview of All Canon Rangefinder Cameras 1935-1968
Hansa Canon of 1936 and Canon 7s of 1966 Organization of this Site This site was originally dedicated to the development and technology of the Canon 35mm camera line. In addition to covering the early years of Canon’s 35mm camera line, it also includes information about the wide variety of Canon’s interchangeable lens systems and accessories.
Other Rangefinder Cameras
The origin of Canon rangefinder camera was established in 1933 in an apartment located at the Takekawa building in Roppongi ward, Tokyo.
According to the Canon website history 4, Goro Yoshida, a Japanese engineer who had previously been involved in movie projector development, disassembled and studied a Leitz II camera in 1932-1933, finding that it was simple in design.
Canon P Thread Mount Rangefinder Mini-Review – 35MMC
It’s not exactly a “sleeper” today, but it has been out of production for quite some time now. The lens mount is still in use on the Canon EOS M line and the new Canon EF-S lenses are compatible with this mount as well.
This review will cover the Canon P Thread Mount rangefinder camera that was introduced back in 2008. It was designed to be used with the Canon EOS M series cameras (and later the Canon EF-S series) and the Canon EF lenses.
Canon P viewfinder
The Canon P was an inexpensive camera released in 1975. It featured a fixed 1x viewfinder and could focus only through the lens. It also had no film advance lever, so the photographer had to manually wind the film after each exposure. The Canon P was discontinued in 1980.
You can almost see the frame lines in the viewfinder of your Canon P. They’re labeled 35mm, 50mm, and 100mm.
Of course, if one were accustomed to Leica lenses, there are a few notable differences between these two models. First off, Leica has never produced a rangefinding lens with 1x viewfinders.
The Leica M3/M4 with its 0.91 x finders is the highest magnification finder found on a Leica without the aid of an optical magnifying device.
Focal Lengths
Additionally, the Leica Tele-Lux line consists of 90 and 135-mm focal lengths. Lastly, the Canon P series contains 35mm focal length frames, whereas the Leica M2 contained 50, 90, and 135mm focal lengths.
If one desired 35mm focal length frames in a Leica from this era, it would be the M2 which was the very first to feature the 0.72x finders that Leica later utilized in the vast bulk of its standard 35mm rangefinders.
With the 1x Magnifier Viewfinder, users can take pictures with both eyes open. Because the magnifying glass appears identical to the actual camera viewfinder, users can see through the viewfinder without having to close one eye.
This feature enables photographers to compose images with both eyes open, which is especially useful if they’re taking photos of children or pets.
In addition, there may be an argument for the broader utility of this slightly higher magnification viewing device when compared to that of Leica. The line markings for the longest lens – the 100 millimeter – aren’t that small in Canon P.
They aren’t huge, but they feel larger than the 90-millimeter marks in a Leica. The 28-millimeter marks are a little close to the edge of the viewfinders in the way the 28 millimeters are in 0.72 power Leica viewfinders, but they are nonetheless still visible, and using both eyes open you can just about still see the rangefinder shooting advantages of being able to see what’s just outside the field of view.
All is not perfect in the world of digital photography. While it is very bright, and the range finder is fairly distinct – like in many rangefinders – the range finder does not have a solid edge.
That said, this isn’t a big issue, but we think that having a solid edge would make the range finder feel better in my hands. However, we are happy with the overall size of the camera, and the high resolution of the viewfinder.

What Mount Is a Canon Rangefinder?
Handling and Mechanics
As far as we are concerned, the lack of an adjustable viewÂfinder isn’t a problem. We have never used any of the more advanced cameras from the Canon line, so we don’t miss out on anything by not having one.
The Canon P feels like a solidly built camera. It’s slightly larger than a Leica M body and is in a similar size range. It weighs just under an M3, but slightly more than an M4–P. You wouldn’t notice much of a change between any of these models.
Something we have noticed often online is that this period of Canon rangefinders was the most solid feeling. Handling this camera, we can see why. There’s nothing that feels cheap about this camera at all.
So, what is the issue?
They do suffer a common, although largely harmless issue. That is, the shutters can get wrinkly. However, they don’t jam, they work smoothly, and they don’t let light through. There must be a limit where wrinkled shutters stop working, but if you find Canon P with wrinkled shutters, don’t worry about it.
The camera’s exposure mode dial is easy to operate, and the controls are intuitively placed. I found myself quickly adjusting settings without having to think about it. The viewfinder offers a bright, clear image, and the screen is large enough to see what you’re shooting clearly.
Touchscreen Interface
The only thing we didn’t care much for was the touchscreen interface, which felt slow and cumbersome compared to the physical buttons.
A major advantage of digital photography is that you can easily delete images after they’ve been taken. In addition, you can also edit them right on the spot. For example, you could crop out an unwanted person from a photo before sharing it online.
Another option is to add special effects such as blurring or colorization. And thanks to the internet, you can share your photos with friends and family members around the world without having to send prints through the mail.
Locking Mechanism
A nice little feature is the locking mechanism on the front of the door. Open the door first by pulling down on the handle, then pull up on the latch at the top of the door to unlock it.
One of my favorite features is the flip-up screen. It’s mainly an aesthetic thing, but it really makes the Flipcam stand out from the crowd.
The flip screen is a great idea, but it doesn’t seem to work too well in practice.
The flip screen is a nice feature, but it doesn’t always stay flipped up. When it does, it works fine, but sometimes it doesn’t. This is something that needs to be addressed.
We hope that this article was helpful. If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.
Herman is a writer, researcher, and product reviewer here at The Outdoor Stores. His knowledge and expertise in firearms are immense. He knows well which gun is suitable for which purpose and how to handle it correctly. You can benefit from his passion by reading his posts on this website.