People often ask, what size rear objective on traditions rangefinder scope?
Let’s find out!
What Size Rear Objective on Traditions Rangefinder Scope?
A traditional rangefinder scope has a fixed rear lens with a 2x magnification. Its size ranges from 1-4X.
The rear objective isn’t an eyepiece, so you don’t have to worry about how much brightness it has.
The rear objectiÂve is made of glass and weighs just 14 grams. It is designed specifically for rifle scopes with barrels measuring 24 inches or longer. This rear objectiÂve will fit any scope from 3-9 powers.
The rear object doesn’t have a focusing ring, so you need to adjust the focal point by adjusting the front lens. If your rifle has an 18″-24″ barrel, this rear lens should be fine for you (if you’re using a scope).
If you’re using a longer lens, you might consider looking for a different rear objective. A rear objective that is 1/1.25x (or 1.25x) rather than 2x. This would give you an overall magnification of 12.5x.
How Scopes Work?
When the object is placed between the objective lens and the internal lens, the upside-down image is then sent to the internal lens.
Known as the erector lenses, these internal lenses reverse the image back into place. Finally, the ocular lenses make an ultimate enlargement of that image and send it on to your eyes.
Aim scopes are designed, manufactured, and tested to ensure that, when correctly installed and sighted into your gun, you will enjoy an exceptional performance. A solid mount is crucial to the satisfactory performance of your aim.
- Objective Lens
- Parallax Adjustment
- Elevation Turret
- Illumination Dial
- Tube
- Windage Turret
- Power Ring
- Ocular Lens
The Lower the Scope, the Better
To ensure proper alignment of the rifle, we suggest mounting the rifle so that the buttstock rests firmly against the shoulder. You may use any type of mount, but we prefer one that has no rings or screws.
Be careful when installing your rifle scopes. Make sure they don’t interfere with firearm operations and don’t touch anything but the mounting rings.
Installing the Base, Rings, and Scope
Refer to the instructions included with each part for its proper assembly on the gun.
It is safe to place the rear mount ring directly onto the exposed threading near the eyepieces, but only after focusing them. This allows for a more forward placement of your scope.
When installing a new Aimpoint® red dot sight onto an AR-15/M16 platform, be sure to align the windage and elevation settings before proceeding. Please refer to our instructions for centering windage and elevation adjustments.
Mounting the rifle scopes carefully is important. Place the rear edge of the last rings at least three-quarters inch forward of the junction between the ocular bell and the optical axis to prevent possible reticule damage.
Since the longer eyeroll of this product doesn’t affect its functionality or effectiveness, placing the scope back slightly won’t impair its performance.
Establishing Eye Relief on Rifles and Shotguns
Because of the potential risks involved with improper eye relief, we recommend mounting your scope as close to the front of your rifle as possible.
After that, follow these steps.
Set the variable power zoom on your camera so that it has the widest field of view. Then, take a picture of something far away from you. Hold the camera up high enough so that the subject fills most of the frame.
Slowly back away from the subject until you can see a complete field of vision.
Place your focus point here so that you get the best eye relief.
If you want to be sure that your scope is mounted at its best angle, assume different positions.
- Kneeling
- Seated
- Prone
Aiming both up and downhill.
Aim uphill when wearing shooting glasses because this may change the way they affect your vision.
Aim Riflescopes are designed to give you a generous 3″ to 5″ of eye relief, depending on the rifle scope and the magnification level.

What Size Rear Objective On Traditions Rangefinder Scope?
Establishing Eye Relief on Handgun Scopes
Handguns are usually shot from an arms-extend position, so eye protection isn’t nearly as critical as with rifle scopes. But it’s still important to be sure you’re getting the correct eye protection for you.
Hold the gun in your normal firing stance, place the scope in the appropriate ring, and adjust the magnification until you get a full field of view (FOV).
It’s important that the rifle scope’s eyepiece be compatible with your shooting technique.
Completing the Installation
Rotate the scope so that the elevation adjuster is at its highest point.
When sighting a rifle from a firing stance, ensure that the vertical hair of your target aligns with the vertical barrel axis of the gun. If they don’t, you may experience diminished long-range shooting performance.
Once you’re happy with the fit, tighten the screws evenly and securely.
Focusing the Reticle
To ensure that the rifle is properly aligned, secure the gun in a firm rest. Point the rifle at a light-colored background (such as white paper) so that the target appears clear and distinct from the background.
Adjust the focus until the crosshairs are centered on the target. If the crosshairs are blurry, it may be necessary to adjust the focus using the eyepiece.
If your telescope’s eyepiece has a lock ring, then simply use the following steps:
To adjust the focus, grasp the eyepiece with one of your hands and move it away from the lens mount. Then turn the lens barrel counterclockwise until the focus knob stops moving.
If you’re nearsighted, you may need to adjust the focus by turning the telescope’s eyepieces a few times.
When looking through the scope, quickly glance at the reticule. Make sure that the reticule is clearly visible and not blurry. Continue this procedure until the reticule looks clear and sharp.
After you’re satisfied with the image of your reticles, tighten the lens cap until it rests solidly against the eyepieces.
Focusing your Scope
If your telescope has no eyepiece lock ring (or if you don’t know where it is), then here are some easy steps for setting up your telescope.
All fine focusing is done through the eyepieces.
To use the telescope properly, look at objects through the eyepiece first. Then, if necessary, adjust the focus by turning the eyepiece ring.
If your vision changes, adjust the eyepieces. As you get older, your eyesight usually changes. You may want to check the sharpness of the reticle on the scope every few years to ensure it is still set up properly for your eyes.
To ensure the integrity of the waterproof seals of every AIM scope (and prevent them from being removed), an internal locking system prevents the eyepiece lens from being removed.
A rifle’s main purpose is to shoot bullets at targets. Use the rifle’s sights instead of using the rifle’s telescopic sight. Don’t look through the rifle’s telescopic lens; instead, look through its sights.
We hope that this guide has been useful. If you have any questions please let us know in the comments section below!
Herman is a writer, researcher, and product reviewer here at The Outdoor Stores. His knowledge and expertise in firearms are immense. He knows well which gun is suitable for which purpose and how to handle it correctly. You can benefit from his passion by reading his posts on this website.