Do you want to know what NX7 pro rangefinders are made?
Let’s look into it.
Where is the NX7 Pro Rangefinder Made?
NX7 Pro rangefinders are made in China.
Precision Pro NX7 Review
Precision Pro is partof the revolutionary manufacturers offerÂing high-end golf rangefinders at a low cost.
It has been replaced by the Precision Pro NX9, which offers similar functionality but at a slightly lower price point. However, the NX7 does offer some unique features, including an integrated magnet for attaching it to your carts.
For most golfers, this lower cost will be a major advantage, so let’s take a look at each of its features to see if they are worth adding to your bag.
- Affordable
- 6X zoom
- Slope mode
- Accurate to the nearest yard
- Ergonomic design
- It doesn’t come with a magnet to stick onto the frame of your cart.
- It has a reduced range compared to other similar products.
- 600-yard range
- 6x magnification
- Flag lock with pulse vibration
- Lifetime battery replacement
- Included batteries
- Pro Slope Technology
Adaptive Slope Technology
Besides its affordable price, the adaptive swing technology is its stand-out feature. It factors in the angle of the swing between your golf shot and the target.
Providing shots as yards. This allows you to hit better-informed clubs for improved distance control.
This precision pro range finder allows you to disable slope mode during tournament play.
600-Yard Range
When we reviewed the NX9 Precision Pro rangefinders, we explained that the new model carried a maximum range of 600 meters (1,969 feet). It seemed that there had been no improvements from the older models, which carry the same maximum range.
Obviously, 600 yards is more than enough for almost any golf course. But, in my experiÂence, devices with a maxiÂmum range of 1,000 yards tend to be more accurate when they’re farther away.
You may not need to use the full range of yardage provided by the GPS device, but it still provides enough details to help you plot out your shot.
+- 1-Yard Accuracy
If your rangefinder isn’t accurate, it doesn’t really serve any purpose. The Precision Pro NX 7 is accurate to the nearest foot up to 275 feet.
6x Magnification
With its 6x optical zoom, the NX7 delivers crystal-clear images for fast and accurate measurements. It also features an enhanced LCD screen that makes it easier to identify your subject even under dim lighting conditions.
This laser rangefinder is waterproof, which means you can use it even when it rains. It protects the components and lens from moisture so you can use it during a storm and still get accurate yardage readings.
Precision Pro Golf App
You can purchase the NX7 to get access to the Precision Pro Golf app. With the app, you can track your progress. It also provides detailed info about the hole you’re currently hitting.
You can use your launch monitor to track your performance during future rounds.
You can also use the app to track where your ball lands for every shot and the app will calculate the distances.
These distances are calculated and averaged to help you select clubs for your shots. It helps you improve your ball striking and distance accuracy.
Essentially, the app enables you to track where you’ve been using GPS functionality and shooting.
Factors to Consider before Buying a Rangefinder
There used to be expensive golf rangefinder products that the average golfer couldn’t afford.
But today, there are inexpensive golf rangefinder products that cost less than $100 and even some that cost more than $500. These high-end products provide longer ranges, greater accuracy, and quicker reactions.
There are several affordable rangefinders that offer the same features as their pricier counterparts. However, these models don’t always deliver the performance expected by experts.
For example, an inexpensive device might be accurate to the nearest foot up to 50 feet. After that, the measurements are all over the place; a high-quality model gives accurate readings, regardless of distance.
For most people, a distance between 600-yards and 1000-yards should suffice. If you’re looking for supreme accuracy, however, you might want something that goes beyond 1000-yards.
Entry-level devices usually provide a total range of up to 600-meters, while premium models typically go beyond 1000-meters.
Slope And Elements Mode
Using a rangefinder with a slope (or element) setting increases the likelihood of obtaining an accurate reading.
Slope modes include the angle of the slope in the measurements to give you distance readings for shots like putts.
If you’re playing uphill, an inaccurate reading could mean you’ve left yourself a few yards short. Conversely, if you’re playing downhill, you might be too far away from the hole.
It measures air density and ambient temperatures before providing a reading. This feature ensures accurate readings regardless of the hour of the day or the weather conditions.
If you’re looking for an inexpensive rangefinder, don’t settle for anything that isn’t accurate within one yard. Most affordable models are accurate to the nearest foot, up to 250 to 300 yards. But, they get less accurate the farther away you shoot.
Premium rangefinders are usually accurate to within yards, up to 1,000 yards in some cases.
For low and mid-handicap golfers, precision isn’t necessary. They simply need an estimate of the distance so they know where to hit their shots. High-handicap golfers, however, need a precise rangefinder.

Where Is The NX7 Pro Rangefinder Made?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Precision Pro
Does The Precision Pro Nx7 Have Slope?
The standard Precision Pro doesn’t come with slope mode, but the NX7 Pro includes slope mode for measuring distances.
Is Precision Pro A Good Brand?
Yes, they’re a reputable manufacturer of mid-range products that are accurate and feature high-end technology.
How Do I Setup and Use The Precision NX7 Pro?
It’s easy to use.
Step 1: Pressing the green button turns on the device. It then scans and receives measurements for different targets.
Step 2: Press and hold the button for two seconds to start the measurement. Release it again to stop the measurement.
Step 3: When the phone reads the distance to your target, it vibrates.
It’s so easy to use.
Where Are Precision Pro Rangefinders Made?
As with most electronics, the Precision Pro rangefinder rangefinders are made in China. They’re designed in California.
How Do I Change My Nx7 Pro From Meters To Yards?
If you want to switch between metric and imperial units, hold down the mode button for one second. It will show you the options for meters (M) and yards (yd). Choose your unit and press OK.
Precision Pro continues to be an excellent choice for golfers who want to get the most out of their rangefinder without breaking the bank. It has some nice features including 6x zoom, slope mode, and waterproofing.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions.
Sarah is a content consultant at The Outdoor Stores where she is ready to guide you through the features of a good firearm for your outdoor activities and hunting hobbies. Her expert knowledge and intellectual skills have helped The Outdoor Stores greatly.