Are you wondering which Nikon Coolshot Rangefinder is better 20 or 40?
:ets look into it.
Which is Better Nikon Coolshot 20 or 40 Rangefinder?
In our opinion, Nikon 40 is better because of its slope option. Other than both rangefinders are pretty much the same.
Nikon Coolshot 20 vs 40
Over the past few years, Nikon has gained a lot of traction among consumers for its affordable line of digital cameras. These cameras offer similar features at a lower cost than their high-end counterparts.
There are some important differences between these two options which you should consider before making your final decision.
There are several things to consider when purchasing a rangefinder.
Neither of these Nikon cameras has the “slide” feature. However, since they aren’t tournament-ready, you won’t be too upset if you miss out on one of them.
The Coolshot 40 has a range of up to 650 yards, but the Coolshot 30 has a range of up to 550 yards. Yes, this is a difference of 100 yards, but how often do we really want to shoot at distances greater than 550 yards?
The Coolshot 40 doesn’t offer any unique advantages over the Coolshot 30. Its accuracy, design, and technology are similar to the Coolshoot 30.
However, the Coolshot 40 is slightly faster than Nikon at picking up the yards. The Nikon has what they call ‘hyper read’ which reads the yards faster.
Both Nikon Coolshot digital camera models are considered to be compact types. They’re small enough for you to carry in your hand when taking pictures, and they’re easy for you to hold.
It’s incredibly accurate. You can even program it to scan for eight minutes and it will automatically pick out yards to the smallest of targets.
To improve light transmission, Nikon has applied multiple layers of coatings.
First Target Priority
Both the Nikon Coolshot 20 and the 40 come with first shot priority, which allows golfers to know whether they’ve hit their target.
It can be difficult to tell whether you’ve reached the correct level when there are surrounding objects near you.
The Nikon Coolshot 40 has an eight-second scanning mode, but the Nikon CoolShot 20 has a slight advantage.
It has a feature for reading the yardage faster than CoolShot 20, but it doesn’t have an automatic feeder
If you were using your 20 for several years and then suddenly switched to the 40 without any training, you might notice some differences between them. However, they’re not so different that you would think the 40 is better than the 20.
Both of these golf range scopes are fairly priced. The Canon 20 costs about $100 less than the Canon 40, but they’re equally good options.
That price difference is because the Nikon 40 has an extra hyper-reading function. It has a different shape to fit the palm of a player’s hands better.
Accuracy is another important factor to consider when buying a rangefinder. If an instrument isn’t accurate, then you might just as well be measuring your distances from the nearest sprinkler.
With either of these Nikon Cool shots, you’ll be able to shoot at distances of up to 1 meter (3 feet). Most high-end digital camera models offer similar promises—that they’re accurate to within 1 meter.
They’re good values at these prices.
Always check the warranty before purchasing a rangefinder. Cheap models often don’t last long at all, so be careful when choosing one.
With a Nikon, there’s a quality rangefinder, 2 years warranty, and a reliable and well-reputed brand backing up the camera. Definitely worth thinking about.
Both devices are water resistant, which is fantastic. Many consumers don’t need a waterproof rangefinder camera.
If you want to enjoy a typical day of golfing, you’ll need a waterproof rangefinder so you don’t get too wet.
Final Recommendation
If you read through our review, then you probably already know which rangefinders we would recommend if it came down between the Nikon 20 and the Nikon 40.
It seems like the Nikon 20 has everything that someone would want in a non-sloped rangefinder for an incredibly low price.
If there were a button for turning on and off the sloping mode on the Nikon 40 DSLR, then it would be an even better camera than it already is.
What About The Nikon Coolshot 40i?
If you want those extra features, then you may want to look at the Nikon Cool Shot 40i. It’s a newer version of the original Cool shot camera.
It looks just like the original Coolshot 40, but it has a black base and blue lines running through the center.
It costs less than 300 dollars but it’s still a good unit. It has an awesome slope detector and it’s easy to operate.
However, there is one major drawback to these range finders. It cannot be used during tournaments because the slop function cannot be turned off.

Which Is Better Nikon Coolshot 20 Or 40 Rangefinder?
Which is the Best Nikon Golf Rangefinder for You?
According to this Nikon review, the Nikon line is straightforward, neat, user-friendly, and easy to use
When deciding between two different types of clubs, the first thing you need to decide is whether you want a club that is tournament legal or not.
If you’re looking for a rangefinder camera that can help you capture amazing photos during the big days, then the COOL SHOT 40 is definitely the best choice with its HYPER READ Technology and accuracy while still being easy to use.
If you’re after a mid-range unit with a bit more to offer you during your practice rounds, then the COLLISION 40i with Slope might be worth considering. It’s very competitively priced too.
COOLSHOT Pro Stabilized
If you’re looking for all the bells and whistles but don’t mind having them left at home during the tournament, then the Nikon Coolshot Pro Stabilized Laser Range Finder takes the money.
All three Nikon rangefinder cameras are well-built and intuitive devices that’ll fit most people’s shooting requirements whether they’re playing at a pro level or not.
They provide excellent value for their price and come in a variety of different models so there’s a camera for everyone.
If you’re looking for a good quality rangefinder camera, then you shouldn’t go wrong with a Nikon rangefinder camera; considering its value and the features it offers, this is one camera you’ll definitely enjoy owning for quite some time.
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Sarah is a content consultant at The Outdoor Stores where she is ready to guide you through the features of a good firearm for your outdoor activities and hunting hobbies. Her expert knowledge and intellectual skills have helped The Outdoor Stores greatly.