Which Leupold Scope To Use With Leupold TBR Rangefinder? – Complete Overview

Do you wish to know which Leupold scope to use with Leupold TBR Rangefinder?

Let’s find out.

Which Leupold Scope to Use with Leupold TBR Rangefinder?

You can use any Leupold Scopes with Leupold TBR Rangefinder. Scopes of other brands will also work with this rangefinder. 

Leupold RX-1400i TBR/W Rangefinder Review

Leupold RX 1450i TBR/W Rifle Scope is a mid-range scope for hunting rifles. It delivers excellent performance at an affordable price.

Leupold’s RX-1400i rangefinder is its entry-level rangefinder; however, it’s really a mid-rangefinder that’s loaded with features.

After using the Leupold RX‑1400i TBR / W rangefinder for elk and deer hunting, here’s what we found out:

RX-1400i Fantastic for Bowhunters

During the testing phase, we used the RX-1450i in low-light conditions, bright sunlight, heavy rainfall, fog, and light powder snow. It has an excellent range. Leupold rates its range from reflective targets up to 1 400 yds, trees up to 1 200 yds, and deer up to 900 yds.

If you hold down the power switch while ranging objects in thick terrain, then the device will automatically scan them for you. This feature is particularly useful when you’re trying to get a good reading from an elk that’s hiding behind some bushes. You don’t want the device to miss the elk because it was too close to the bush.

It also has a “last range” feature that tells you the farthest distance range for which it was able to detect motion.

With the continuous scan mode, I can see what’s going on while I’m holding the camera steady.

Very Lightweight

Leupold’s Rx-1400i Triton Binoculars are lightweight marvels. Leupolds say the Rx-1400i weigh in at just under 6 oz., but my scales pegged it at 5.5 oz. They’re 4.75 inches tall, 2.25 inches wide, and 0.8 inch thick. The tops and bottoms have a soft grip coating.

Waterproof and Fogproof

It’s not waterproof or completely waterproof, but it won’t get wet when it rains. If it’s cloudy out though, you may have some trouble seeing through it.

Yes, it’s an issue, but it’s not really a big deal. We’ve never had a rangefinder that couldn’t function properly when shooting through misty or foggy conditions. It’s more of an issue for archers than riflesmen because foggy conditions often force short distance shot groups where aiming corrections aren’t as important.

If you use the Scan Mode, you may be able to get a laser ranger to function properly even when there is some fog present.

The Red Display

The Leupold Rx-1400i TOLED Rangefinder has a red lettering that is easier to read than black lettering. Entry-level rangefinder models that have black displays can sometimes be difficult to use at sunrise and sunset.

Actually, in low light, the RX-1450i’s screen is almost too bright.

What does this mean for you?

The RX-1400i has three brightness settings. In overcast conditions, the red display is super crisp — it looks great, actually, partially because Leupold’s optical quality is so good.

When there’s bright sunlight, the screen isn’t bright enough for reading comfortably. You need to pay more attention.

What does this mean practically?

For most hunters, the red screen is a benefit during the most critical times of the year, but it isn’t a slam dunk if you spend most of your time out in bright daylight.

which leupold scope to use with leupold tbr rangefinder

Which Leupold Scope To Use With Leupold TBR Rangefinder?

TBR/W Explained

Leupold says that the RX-1400I TBR/W is one of the most advanced rangefinders available.

What does this mean?

It means it has lots of powerful functions for just $200.

For rifle shooting, the RX-1450i is definitely more complicated than the RX-1400.

You can choose from three different shooting modes: BAS, HOLD (hold), and TRIG (trigger). You must also know which factory round of ammo you’re using for your gun (or your bullet drop rate at 600 yards).

This information helps you select one of 25 cartridge loads to configure your RX-1400I. Wow. Slow down, Maxcrafter. This isn’t something that most riflemen tend to do with an entry level scope!

What is meant by cartridge load groups?

Entering some basic ballistics information into Leupold’s system allows them to more accurately determine the correct compensated range for rifles.

For rifle ballistics, the math for true horizontal distance isn’t quite perfect because bullets travel in arcs.

Bullets don’t always fly straight from the gun to their targets; they’re often curved by air resistance.

If you’re shooting long-range targets, Leupold can calculate better results by using its internal calculator when you enter your ammunition type into the scope. However, this doesn’t mean you can hit an animal at 600 yards because your rifle isn’t smart enough to know what kind of ammo you’re using.

Practice and confirm whether you’re shooting long distances.

The key point here: Leupold is bringing an increase of precision to a rangefinders for under $200. That’s awesome!


BAS Mode

The BAS mode basically tells you the true ballistic (or shooting) distance at which you can hit an object. It’s calculated by your gun’s performance group. If you’re using BAS, use it if you want to know how far away from the target you can safely fire.

You’d aim based on your own judgment and skill based on what they know about their bullets’ ballisitics.

For example, if your target is 350 miles away, you may need to aim as though it were 300 miles away. And the BAS setting would show 300 miles for you. That’s all there is to it.


The HOLD mode calculates your score for each round and displays the line of sight distance in the reticule. At the top, it displays a holdover number, which represents the number of inches (cm) you should shoot above your intended target. You can use this number to determine whether you need to adjust your shot pattern.

MIL and MOA Modes

The MIL and MOAs are similar to HOLD mode, but they give you the holdover information for each setting and how to dial your scopes, if appropriate to your optic.


The TRIG mode allows you to see the actual line of site, but also shows you the distance from the camera to the subject. It may be used for measuring distances between objects, such as trees, poles, buildings, etc.

If you’re interested in the math behind the trigonometry, the TRIG mode briefly shows the true horizontal distance at its top before displaying the true vertical (distance) calculation.

You could use this tool to test and see if the rangefinder changes the calculations for a steep range compared to your target load groups.

What’s the ‘W’ for?

The W in the RX-1400i’s rangefinder’s (W) is for wind. It can calculate wind hold values depending on a 10mph crosswind. If the winds are at a different speeds and angles, you’ll have to perform some calculations on the fly, but it’s doable once you’ve learned the system and practiced.


We hope this article helped you in understanding what a TBR rangefinder is and which scope to use with it. 

Let us know if you have any queries in the comments below. 


  • Sarah Wilson

    Sarah is a content consultant at The Outdoor Stores where she is ready to guide you through the features of a good firearm for your outdoor activities and hunting hobbies. Her expert knowledge and intellectual skills have helped The Outdoor Stores greatly.

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