How Do Submarines Rangefinder Work? – Detailed Guide with Everything You Need to Know & More!

How do submarine rangefinders work?
Let’s find out!

How Do Submarines Rangefinder Work?

Coincidence Rangefinder

Optical ranging devices are used by American soldiers during army maneuvers in the 40s. They use a coincidence rangefinder with a single eyepiece. This device allows them to determine the distance to objects. The coincidence rangefinder was invented in 1882. In the 20th century, this device became very popular among military forces.


A telescope is used to view distant objects. It uses two prisms to create a straight line of sight. This allows you to see things that are far away. Telescopes are usually made out of metal or glass.

Note: If you want to know a complete guide about rangefinder click HERE.


Optical rangefinders determine the distance of a target by measuring the time it takes light to travel to the object and back.

These devices were used for military purposes and also for photography. Rangefinder cameras were developed that had an optical rangefinder built into them.

This allowed the user to take pictures without having to manually adjust the lens.


A coincidence rangefinder uses a pair of eyepieces to show the operator the distance to a target. When the two images match up, the range is known.

The operator rotates a compensator to adjust the position of the beams until the images line up.

Coincidence vs Stereoscopic Rangefinders

Both the Barr and Stroud and the Bausch and Lomb stereoscopes were found to be comparable in terms of accuracy. However, the Barr and Stroud were more convenient because it did not require a tripod or other support.

Note: If you want to know What Batteries Do in Rangefinder Cameras click HERE.

How Do Submarines Rangefinder Work?

How Do Submarines Rangefinder Work?

Screen Door on a Submarine

Screen doors are not usually found on submarines because they allow water into the boat. Water in a boat causes the boat to sink. Therefore, screen doors are not used on submarines.

Submarine Target Acquisition Systems

Sensors must be easy to integrate into vehicles and legacy systems. Long-range sensors must be stable to defy difficult terrains.

Drivers’ vision enhancers should allow them to drive at top speed under all light conditions.

There is a vehicle self-protection system with integrated countersurveillance measures for armored vehicles. Thermal imaging devices for vehicle detection and identification.

Boresight for fast long- and medium-range alignments of aiming equipment.

Note: If you want to know What Is Bushnell Rangefinder Jolt Technology click HERE.

Submarine Optronics

A submarine periscope retrofit solution is needed because the existing periscopes are old and need to be replaced. This solution includes a new high-end periscope and an optronic mast system.

The new periscope is used for viewing underwater objects. The optronic mast system is used to view targets above water.

Note: If you want to know How to Use Bushnell Medalist Rangefinder click HERE.


The types of rangefinders used in the submarines are Coincidence and Stereoscopic Rangefinders. However, both rangefinders types have differences.

We hope that this article was helpful. Feel free to reach out in the comments section below if you have any queries.

If you want to gain more information about rangefinder click HERE.


  • John Moses

    John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.

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