People often ask, how to avoid pinholes in rangefinder camera shutter curtains?
Let’s find out!
How to Avoid Pinholes in Rangefinder Camera Shutter Curtains?
To avoid pinholes in the rangefinder camera shutter curtain always use a lens cap while carrying the camera around.
Pinhole size depends on the focal length of the lens. The smaller the aperture (the opening between the lens and film plane), the larger the pinhole will be. For example, if you take a picture at f/2.8, then the diameter of the pinhole would be 1/2.8th of the width of the image sensor. If you were using a 35mm camera, this would mean a pinhole diameter of around 2.5mm.
If you want to know a complete guide about rangefinder click HERE.
Burning a Hole in Your Shutter Curtain
Yes, it is possible to burn a hole in the shutter curtain by carrying the camera around without a lens cap.
Cardboard Simulations
A lens needs to be wide open to create a focused image. Holding the lens and camera still for five seconds creates a sharp picture.
(BTW, we didn’t actually burn any shutter blinds during my experiments, though we did use some black cardboard.) This means the above criteria will be met if you leave the lens wide open and the camera laying on its back at noon, and if you’re using a tripod.
Secondly, if the camera is dangling around your neck or off of your shoulder, then it’s constantly jiggling about, and there isn’t enough time to form a spot to burn a hole.
A lens cap should be used when taking photos outdoors. Otherwise, you might get a hole or an arc.
If you want to know How Does a Pridesport Rangefinder Work click HERE.
In-Camera Tests
A cloth shutter does burn when stopped down. Stopping down doesn’t work well enough.
Myth 1: Focus off infinity. Very much true. The shutter is about two or three millimeters in front of the film. If a fifty-millimeter lens is focused at a one-meter distance the point of focus will be perfectly on the shutter cloth if the aperture is set to f/16.
Myth 2: Burning only occurs after holding the Camera very still for at least five seconds. Do you feel Lucky? Only true when stopped down and focused at infinity.
If you want to know How to Change a Simmons Rangefinder From Meters to Yards click HERE.
Wide-angle lenses are great for landscape photography. But if you use them without a tripod, you could get burned by sunlight. You should always wear sunglasses or cover your eyes with your hands. Also, you should never shoot directly into the sun.
Wide angles can be used to show more detail than normal shots. However, wide-angle photos tend to distort the image. This distortion can make it hard to tell if something is really there or not.
Hole repair options
A hole isn’t the end of the world. There are several ways to fix your camera.
DIY Hole Repair
To fix the hole in a Leica camera cloth shutter, you should use a teeny tiny bit of black rubber compound sold at the hardware store, and apply it to both sides of the shutter.
A low-tech fix for a high-tech camera.
If you want to know Who Makes Halo Rangefinders click HERE.
How to Avoid Pinholes in Rangefinder Camera Shutter Curtains
To make sure your shoe glue doesn’t run out of the holes in your shoes, use a toothpick to spread it out evenly. Leave the camera with the bottom plate off to dry overnight.
You can use any kind of liquid tape as long as it’s black. Use some electrical tape to make your camera waterproof.
You should always be careful when repairing your camera. Do a good job and you’ll save money.
If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.
If you want to know more information about rangefinder click HERE.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.