What Is Binocular Mfc Coating? – Here’s What You Need to Know About it!

People often ask what is binocular MFC coating.

Let’s find out!

What Is Binocular Mfc Coating?

MFC stands for Multi Fully Coated. Binoculars have two types of coatings

  1. fully coated
  2. multi-coated.

The multi-layer coating is better than the single-layer coating. Binoculars and monoculars are more expensive because of their multi-layer coating.

Anti-reflective coating helps to reduce glare and improve image quality.

Numbers On Binoculars


Binoculars are tools used to observe distant objects. Magnification is the first number of binoculars and indicates the size of the object being observed.

Higher magnification gives a smaller field of view. A tripod is used to stabilize the binoculars when observing.

A higher zoom level gives a wider view of the scene. Lowering the zoom level lets you see more detail in the image.

Note; If you want to know Where Are Zeiss Binoculars Made click HERE.

Lens Diameter

Binoculars with a diameter of 50mm are suitable for both daytime and nighttime observations.

Magnification x Lens Diameter

Binoculars are used to magnify objects. 10×42 binoculars magnify things by 10 times. 12×50 binoculars magnify them by 12 times.

Binoculars are used to see things far away. They are useful when you want to see something that is far away. You need to know how to use them correctly.

Note: If you want to know more information about Binoculars we have a complete guide click HERE.

Field Of View

A field of view of 122 m/1000m 12.2°.

Visual angle is the area that you can see with your binoculars. You can use a mathematical formula to calculate it. A factor of 17.5 represents the width of the binoculars’ field of view in meters.

The field of view at 1000 meters is equal to the angle of view in degrees x 0.1755. The viewing angle is equal to the field of view at 1000 m divided by 17.5.

A field of view of 120 meters (1000 meters) is equivalent to a 6.8° of visual angle. Binoculars provide a field of view of 6.8° of field.

The width is inversely proportional to magnification: a binocular with 10x will have more field of view than a binocular with 12x.

Exit Pupil

Binoculars should have an exit pupil of about 3mm or less. This ensures that you get clear daytime images and good low-light images.

Exit pupil is the distance from the center of the lens to the edge of the image circle. This is measured in millimeters (mm). In general, the larger the number, the more light is transmitted.

For example, a 10-power eyepiece has an exit pupil of 100 mm. A 20-power eyepiece would have an exit pupil of 200 mm.

Note: If you want to gain information about Which Is Better 10×50 Binoculars vs 10×42 Binoculars click HERE

Eye Relief

Monocles have an eye relief of about 10mm. This means that when wearing them, your eyes are closer to the lenses than usual. You need to be careful when using them because you might lose sight of what’s going on around you.

Eye relief is an important factor when choosing binoculars. Glasses wearers should choose binoculars with a 20mm eye relief. This allows them to see more clearly without having to change lenses. Binoculars with a higher eye relief allow you to view objects further away.

Note: If you want to know What Is Eye Relief on Binoculars we have a complete guide click HERE.

What Is Binocular Mfc Coating?

What Is Binocular Mfc Coating?


There are no more secrets for me in the technical data sheets for monoculars and binoculars. We’ve learned about the numbers that appear on them and I know all the features to consider when buying a model that fits my needs.

We hope to have helped you to understand what is important about binoculars, now it’s time to pick the best one for you.

Feel free to comment below.

If you want to take more information about Binoculars we have a complete guide click HERE.


  • John Moses

    John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.

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