If you are planning to buy a golf rangefinder you might have questions about what to look for in it.
We are here to answer!
Let’s get started!
Do you need slope on a rangefinder for golf?
Slope features come in handy when practicing golf shots. A more advanced device factors in the uphill or downhill angle of a shot and then factors in the slope for an exact yardage reading.
Using slope while practicing can help a golfer determine if there is any effect on their shotmaking due to the hill or valley. Practice focusing on how different approaches to combat slope will definitely instill trust during tournament play.
If you want to know a complete guide about rangefinder click HERE.

What to Look For in a Golf Rangefinder?
Do golf pros use rangefinders?
Players should be allowed to use rangefinders during practice rounds. Rangefinders help golfers to know exactly how far away they need to stand from the hole. This helps to make sure that they are hitting the correct clubs for each shot.
Caddies must not use rangefinders while playing golf. Golfers must not use them either. Disqualifications occur if any player uses a rangefinder.
A reliable and accurate reading from an electronic rangefinder is the device’s primary function. Shoddy electronic rangefinders that give inaccurate yardages are useless. You should always be testing your rangefinder to ensure that the readings you receive are correct.
Slope functions help golfers know exactly how far away they need to be to reach the green. Golfers who play more often than once per week should use this feature because it gives them an advantage over others.
If you want to know What Batteries Do in Rangefinder Cameras click HERE.
A rangefinder is an instrument used to measure distances. Binoculars magnify objects by using lenses. Rangefinders use lenses to magnify images. Magnification is how much bigger something appears. High-quality binoculars magnify things by 10 times or more. Good rangefinders magnify images by 6 times or more. A rangefinder gives you a range to the flag.
Most rangefinders use either rechargable batteries or batteries that you can buy in any store. Rangefinders don’t use much power when taking readings, so batteries should work well for many rounds before needing to be replaced or charged.
Scan Speed
Golf rangefinders are used by golfers to measure distances to targets. A faster scanning speed means the rangefinder can quickly lock onto a target. This allows the golfer to be more accurate when hitting the ball.
Golf rangefinders should be dried after each use in the rain.
Fast Focus System
Fast Focus is a new feature that allows you to see your yardages faster than ever before. This feature helps golfers get better scores by giving them more time to make adjustments during their rounds.
Stable Grip Technology
All Bushnell rangefinders use a rubber overlay to make them easier to grip. This makes sure that you won’t drop your device when you’re holding it.
Level of Magnification
A laser rangefinder magnifies the distance of the target by up to seven times. This allows you to see the target better, and therefore shoot more accurately. Most rangefinders offer a six-times magnification, but paying more for a seven-times magnification doesn’t make sense.
Stabilization Scan mode
Rangefinders usually have a stabilization mode to help in tracking and connecting the target. Some rangefinders also have a continuous scan mode. This scan mode continuously fires at targets until you capture them. This way, it helps in solving problems with shaking hands.
Rangefinders should be switched on when needed.
Size and weight
Compact models are easier to handle than wide ones. However, wide models are more stable. A compromise between these two parameters should be chosen.
Ultra-light models are great for hunting. Pick lightweight ones if you plan to use them for other outdoor activities.
If you want to know What Is Bushnell Rangefinder Jolt Technology click HERE.
PinSeeker with Jolt Technology
Bushnell rangefinders focus on the target then jolt in your hand when it finds the target. This feature assures you that you’ve got the right target and distance when measuring your shot.
SlopeSwitch Technology
Slope technology is illegal to use during tournament play. To turn off the slope feature, flip the switch on the side of your rangefinder. When you’re ready to use the slope feature during practice play, flip the switch back on.
Golf rangefinders come with a lot of different options, lenses, and features. You can choose a model based on how much money you want to spend or if you’re looking for something specific.
What are your needs?
All of our market picks are carefully chosen and curated by the editorial staff. We do not accept sponsored content or paid placements. Our goal is to provide readers with information about the latest golf products available today. If you buy a product through links on this page, we may receive a commission. Pricing may vary depending on brand and retailer.
Rangefinders used to be big, heavy, and expensive. Now there are many options available. Some are compact, some are waterproof and some even include slope functions. Most rangefinders only take a few minutes of learning before using them.
There’s a reason why PGCaddies use these devices. For the tech golf who doesn’t mind spending time on the setup, he/she can get apps that turn his/her phone into a glorified GPS device, watches
If you want to know How to Use Bushnell Medalist Rangefinder click HERE.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you learned everything you need to know about the best rangefinder for you. There are so many awesome choices available when it comes to finding a great golf rangefinder. You should be able to find the perfect choice for your needs.
Golf courses don’t use GPS carts much, but if you do want one, make sure it’s durable and affordable. You should also consider how much you’ll be using it.
If you want to gain more information about rangefinder click HERE.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.