People often ask, how to program a Sig Kilo 2400 Rangefinder?
Let’s find out!
How to Program a Sig Kilo 2400 Rangefinder?
The Sig Kilo 2400 is configured to operate in its simplest mode right out of the box. On the rangefinder, there are only two buttons: RANGE and MODE. The rangefinder is activated and targets are ranged with the RANGE button. The rangefinder can be set up using the MODE button.
The device is set up to merely show the bare minimum of data for users who do not need complex ballistics and holdover corrections: the center aiming circle, BEST target mode, Angle Modified Range (AMR) mode, Y for yards as the unit of measurement, remaining battery life, and Bluetooth status (ON or OFF).
The middle circle should be used to bracket your target when you aim the rangefinder towards it. To see the target’s distance, press and hold the RANGE button.
The screen will be on for 30 seconds. The rangefinder will enter HyperScan and provide range results every 250 milliseconds if you press and hold the RANGE button down.
The most recent range will be shown for 30 seconds after the RANGE button has been released. It’s possible that when you first turn on the rangefinder, only the center aiming circle and the range will be shown; this is done to clear up the field of view.
Note: If you want to know tutorials about rangefinder click HERE.
Sig Sauer Kilo ABS Appiled Ballistics Laser Rangefinder
Sig Sauer Kilo is a state-of-the-art Laser Rangefinder that provides accurate shooting solutions. It is capable of scanning mode, where it can update the range four times per second. The return rate is 1/4 of a second, giving it very high speed-ranging capabilities.
The Sig Kilo 2400 is a rugged, reliable rifle scope designed specifically for hunting big game. It features a quick target acquisition system (TAS) and a high-resolution display screen. This makes it easy to quickly acquire targets at long distances.
It can use a full array of atmospheric sensors, and the Applied Ballistic Engine to give firing solutions. It also has built-in Bluetooth where it can feed real-time data to an Android or iOS device via the included free application.
The Sig Kilo 2400 operates completely on its own, or when connected to the App. The choice is up to the operator. Further, there is no limitation on how far it will provide firing solutions. While some rangefinders put a limit on the distance they will provide firing solutions, the Kilo 2400 does NOT.
- AB Ballistics Engine – Most accurate ballistic solver.
- Gun Profile Manager – Build, edit, and upload from app to device.
- Multiple profiles – Store up to 4 profiles. 100 profiles in-app.
- Ballistic calibration – muzzle velocity or BC calibration ability.
This device has an OLED display, automatic brightness adjustment, and a customizable reticle.
This device has an automatic mode that calculates wind speed and direction based on the current weather conditions. You can also manually enter wind speed and direction using the included jack meter.
There is also a target mode that allows you to set your desired location as either first, last, or best. Finally, there is a line-of-sight mode that prevents the device from calculating wind speed and direction when the user is too close to the ground.
This gun is designed to be used by military personnel and law enforcement officers. It is compact enough to fit inside a pocket or purse. It also comes in different colors, including flat dark earth.
The Sig Kilo 2000 was a great gun. It had a long barrel, but it also had a short trigger pull. It took a while to get used to shooting this gun, but once you did, it was easy to shoot accurately.
The Sig Kilo 2000 could be adjusted to make it easier to use. This gun is very accurate, but it takes a lot of practice to master.
Note: If you want to know the Difference Between v4 and z6 Bushnell Rangefinders click HERE.
Included Equipment
This app is designed for hunting deer, trees, and reflective steel. It comes with a laser rangefinder, wind meter, and a tactical pen/stylus. It also comes with a padded ballistic nylon case, lanyard, three batteries, and a compact form factor.
The field of view is 35.67 feet at 100 yards. The angular field of view is 6.78 degrees. The laser has a 905 nm wavelength. The round dot reticle has a 3.6 mm exit pupil.
The weight with batteries is 7.5 oz / 215 g. The theoretical maximum range is 100 meters (perfect world).

How to Program a Sig Kilo 2400 Rangefinder?
Picking a RifleHunting Rangefinder
Most laser rangefinders will work well up to 1,500 yards, but they won’t be able to detect deer or coyotes at any closer than 500 yards.
A laser rangefinder that works well at close ranges is important because hunters often need to shoot at targets that are much smaller than deer or coyotes.
Most rifles have a specific caliber and a specific load. Ballistics software matches these two together. This allows shooters to use the same rifle for different purposes. For example, hunters may want to use a.308 Winchester for long-range shots while police officers may use a 9mm Luger for close quarters.
A rangefinder should be tested by shooting at different types of targets. Magnification should be set to 7x, and the unit should be used with both crosshairs and holdovers/holdoffs.
Note: If you want to know How You Use a Rangefinder Illuminated Scope click HERE.
Sig Sauer Kilo MR
Conx is a compact, lightweight rangefinder camera designed to work with Bushnell’s new line of Kestrel weather stations.
Sig Sauer Kilo ABS
Bill Buckley is a powerful, precise unit that is in a class by itself. No other rangefinder tested this year could match its performance. It offers nearly instant solutions to almost every shooting situation. It was also chosen as Editor’s Choice.
Stability of Rangefinder
A rangefinder should be easy to operate and maintain. Pressing the button should cause the reticle to shake slightly. If the button is too hard to press, then the reticle may move off course.
Note: If you want to know How You Set Up a Halo Xtanium 1000 Rangefinder click HERE.
Hunting rangefinders are great pieces of equipment to help hunters. You should pick the one that covers your maximum range. For example, if you want to cover 100 yards, then you should choose a rangefinder that covers 100 yards.
We hope that this article was helpful. If you have any queries feel free to reach out in the comments section below.
If you want to know more information about rangefinder click HERE.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.