Weaver scopes can be a bit tricky to work with. In this article, we will cover…
How to Adjust a Weaver Scope?
Without wasting any time, let’s get started!
Expert’s Choice for the Best Scope of February 2023
Our experts tested the popular scopes of the month to find the best one and after a lot of deliberation (read “heated debates”), we have picked this one as our choice for this month.
Quick note: This product’s versatility means it can sometimes be temporarily unavailable due to high demand. We suggest you check it out now to see if you’re eligible for a discount.
How do I Use a Leupold VX Scope?
Weaver makes high-quality rifle scopes that are waterproof, shock resistant, and available with variable power settings. Weaver scopes include quality optics for a sight that’s clear and crisp and are easily mounted on many modern rifles.
Weaver scopes serve the variety of needs of shooters.
Items you will need
A rifle with a Weaver-style scope ring.
Mounting Your Weaver Scope
Scope rings should be removed before attaching the scope to the rifle. After removing the scope rings, place the scope into the rings. Replace the top half of the rings and partially tighten the screws. Then loosen the retention screws holding the base of the rings to the rail mount and attach the scope rings onto the rail mount.
When you adjust the scope, make sure the crosshairs are vertical and horizontal. Make sure the scope rings are tight.
Adjusting Your Weaver Scope
You must adjust the scope’s cross-hair to intersect on the rifle’s projected point of impact (where the bullet hits the target) before you shoot. Rotate the dial on the right to change the vertical axis of the scope. Rotate the dial above to change the horizontal cross-hair.
Change your scope’s power setting. Adjust for parallax error.
Adjusting Windage and Elevation
Turrets adjust the height of the scope and impact the horizontal direction of the bullets. Windage controls the vertical direction of the bullet. Adjusting both turrets allows you to sight your rifle to the target. When you aim your rifle at the target, the crosshairs should be centered.
Note: If you want to know a complete guide about scopes click HERE.
Adjusting Windage – Left and Right
Windage adjustments are performed with turrets on the right. You should be able to get a nice zero with your scope. Once you have done this, there shouldn’t be any need to adjust windage. Wind can affect a bullet’s trajectory, but it is easy to compensate for it by adjusting holdover points.
Adjusting Elevation – Up and Down
Windage and elevation adjustments are used to make sure the bullets land where you want them to. There are two different ways to do this – using a dial or using a crosshair reticle. The first method involves turning a knob on the side of the gun. This changes the amount of windage and elevation needed to get the bullet to land where you want it to. The second method uses a crosshair reticle instead of a dial. A crosshair reticle is an image that looks like a crosshair. By moving the crosshair over the target, you can see how much windage and elevation are needed to get the bullet there.
When you shoot at different distances than what your rifle compensates for, you adjust the elevation turret in the up or down direction. This allows you to compensate for the bullet drop.
Sighting a Scope
Riflescopes should be adjusted for a particular distance. When adjusting the turrets, make sure that the adjustment is accurate for a given distance.
Windage Adjustment
Windage is the amount of adjustment made to the barrel of the gun. To adjust windage, you need to turn the scope turret clockwise or counterclockwise. A half-click equals about 1/2 an inch. At 100 yards, this means adjusting the barrel by 1/4″ left or right.
Note: If you want to gain information Where are Monstrum Scopes Made? Click HERE.
Parallax Adjustment
Parallax adjustments were not common a few years ago, but they are now. Most people use them when aiming long-range shots. Parallax adjustments are also commonly seen on tactical scopes.
Parallax adjustment corrects error with a focal plane in the case where the target image and reticle are on different focal planes. A crosshair appears to move in directions.
How to Focus the Eyepiece?
Eyepieces should be adjusted before shooting. When you shoot, you want to see what you’re aiming at. Your eyesight is important when you’re hunting or shooting.
When you’re using a rifle scope, you should always make sure that your reticle is clear and well-focused before adjusting the focus of the eyeglass. Otherwise, you may end up with a blurred vision.
Focusing on your telescope is easy. You should be able to do this without having to close your eyes. Use the same method as above, but instead of focusing on the paper, focus on the object you want to observe.
Your eyesight improves when you focus on an object. You can be confident that adjusting your scope will have the desired effect.
Note: If you want to know How To Look Through A Rifle Scope click HERE.

How to Adjust a Weaver Scope?
Scope Adjustments
Adjustments to the scope involve adjusting the windage, elevation, and parallax. After setting up the scope’s magnification for a specific range, adjust the scope’s windage, elevation, and/or parallax.
Note: If you want to know How to Clean a Rifle Scope Lens click HERE.
How Do You Adjust Elevation With Turrets?
Windage and Elevation turrets are adjustable by hand or with the use of tools. Small indentations indicate that the turrets require tools to turn them.
Elevation turrets are used to adjust the focus of the camera. When you turn them in the down direction, they tighten the lens and shift your reticle higher. When you turn them up, they loosen the lens and make the lens wider.
How Do You Adjust Windage With Turrets?
Windage turrets are used to adjust the elevation of the rifle. A windage turret allows the shooter to make adjustments to the elevation of the rifle without having to remove the scope from the weapon.
Windage and elevation can both be adjusted by hand or a tool depending on the type of scopes you have.
Now you know how to adjust a weaver scope!
If you want to know more information about scopes click HERE.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.