What is a Sniper scope and how far can it see?
Let’s find out in this article.
Longest recorded sniper kills
Royal Marines use these guns to shoot targets up to 3,500 meters away. They were first introduced in 1968. A British sniper shot a target 3,541 meters away in 2017.
Note: If you want to know a complete guide and tutorials about scopes click HERE.
Long range shooting
BCM Europearms F Class Rifle is a sniper rifle designed for F-class long-range competitions. Snipers are often skilled at long-distance shooting. Spotters are often used behind the shooter, looking for the bullet impacts and suggesting adjustments. Teams are often used in both civil and military shootings.
When you shoot a gun, you need to take into account the effect of gravity and wind. You may need to adjust your aim depending on how far away the target is.
Long-range shooting starts where assessment factors such as wind, distance, and various weather conditions are equally important for results as pure shooting skills.
Defining “long range”
Long-range shooting starts at about 100m. Anything beyond that is considered long range. Bullets travel faster than sound, so you can see them fly out of the barrel. Shooting at targets more than 100m away is called long-range shooting. You can see bullet trails if the target is close enough.
Long-range shooters should use a scope with a magnification power of 10x or more. A scope with a magnification power of 20x or higher is recommended for high-precision shots. Wind affects the accuracy of long-range shots. When weather conditions are favorable, long-range shooters can achieve consistent hits on targets.
Spotting scopes are often used to observe hits and provide sight corrections. Bullet traces can often easily be seen on humid days, but also cool or sunny days. There are many possible explanations of the phenomenon, including contrails.
Contrail causes a short change in the refraction of the air, which causes a short change in light refraction. For the shooters to see their bullet traces, the bullet trajectories must be within the field of view of their scopes. In practice, this usually means the shooter has to reduce the magnification slightly (to 10x magnification).
Note: If you want to gain information on How to Dial in a Scope click HERE.
Calculation of trajectory
To shoot accurately, you need to practice your skills. You also need a rifle with good precision. And you should use the same type of ammunition every time you fire. External factors such as weather conditions, wind speed, humidity, etc. affect accuracy.
Wind affects bullets differently than other factors such as gravity. Bullets travel faster when shot uphill, slower when shot downhill. Bullets also fly straighter when shot uphill, more sideways when shot downhill. Bullets travel at different speeds depending on the weather conditions. Bullets fired into the sky travel faster than those fired into the ground.
Bullets fired into the air travel slower than those fired into the earth. Bullets fired into the sun travel slower than those fired towards the shade. Bullets fired into the wind travel slower than those fired straight ahead. Bullets fired into the ground travel slower than those fired upwards. Bullets fired into the water travel slower than those fired out of the water. Bullets fired into clouds travel slower than those fired through
All these parameters can also be ignored when shooting at close range.
Note: If you want to gain information about Who Makes Redfield Scopes? click HERE.
Wind estimation
mirages are waves above the ground that appear when the air temperature is lower than the surrounding air. These mirages are caused by the refraction of light rays in the atmosphere. To calculate the wind speed, you need to know the distance and height of the mirage. You also need to take into account the angle of the sun.

How Far Can a Sniper Scope See?
Distance to the target
Sight adjustment is a bad way of adjusting the sight. Bullet will not even reach the distant target. Distance to the target, as explained in the introduction, is the second main factor influencing whether the bullet will reach the target. Gravity affects both bullets and targets. A player will not be able to shoot a distant target by setting sights centrally on the head of an enemy. Bullets will either shoot through, fall diagonally or won’t reach the target at all.
A sniper rifle is usually used by snipers who are far away from the target. The scope indicates how much the bullet needs to travel to hit the target. When shooting, the sniper should aim at the point where the horizontal line intersects the vertical line representing the range of the shot.
You need to calibrate your scope before shooting. Calibration is done using the keys located on the right side of the screen.
Note: If you want to know How to Paint a Rifle Scope click HERE.
Influence of wind
Wind affects bullets’ trajectories. When there is no wind, the bullet flies straight to the point indicated. But if there is wind, the bullet will follow the dotted lines to the point where it lands.
How to shoot tips?
- You should always consider the distance to your target, as well as how strong the wind is. Set your cross-hairs based on these two factors. Aiming in a seemingly random way is often the most effective approach.
- Remember that you can adjust the zoom level to properly maneuver the scale. Thanks to this you won’t have to set the sight too high, so you’ll be able to see the silhouette of the target. Be careful about your posture when aiming. Crouch or lie down on the ground, because this will stabilize the cross hair, preventing it from flying around the screen.
- Hold your breath before you shoot! You should hold your breath when shooting because if you do not, your aim will be off. A bipod allows you to steady your gun while lying down. Thanks to this, you will be able to kill your target even without holding your breath!
Go practice!
You might break the record of Royal Marines one day!
If you want to know more information about scopes click Here.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.