What is a Unertl Scope and how to identify one?
These are the questions that we will answer in this article.
Expert’s Choice for the Best Scope of February 2023
Our experts tested the popular scopes of the month to find the best one and after a lot of deliberation (read “heated debates”), we have picked this one as our choice for this month.
Quick note: This product’s versatility means it can sometimes be temporarily unavailable due to high demand. We suggest you check it out now to see if you’re eligible for a discount.
A famous American optical manufacturer, John Unertl started his company in 1934. He made military sniper scopes during WW2. The company was most noted for its MST-150.50 caliber scope. In 2002 the company was bought by 21st Century Technology. In 2003, the company began making guns and selling them to civilians. The company also makes a rifle called the M40A3.
Note: If you want to know a complete guide and tutorials about scopes click HERE.
Fixed power scopes are used for hunting. Hunting scopes include Falcon, Hawk, Condor, Ultra-10, and Spotting Scope. These scopes are very expensive and sophisticated. A spotting scope is used for military purposes.
Unertl Scope Parts
eBay is a great place to buy parts for your old riflescope. You’ll be surprised by what you find there.
Note: If you want to gain information on How to Dial in a Scope click HERE.

How to Identify a Unertl Scope?
Unertl Scope Models
This product is an excellent hunting rifle scope. It’s made by Unertl, who makes great scopes. It has a magnification of 10x. It’s designed for long-range shooting. It has a magnification power of 4x. It’s used for hunting deer. It was manufactured in 1952.
Note: If you want to gain information about Who Makes Redfield Scopes? click HERE.
Parts of Unertl Scopes
- Eye piece
- Recoil spring
- Adjustment knobs
- Mid mount focuser
Note: If you want to know How to Paint a Rifle Scope click HERE.
There is no doubt that the Uberti scope is a classic bit that marks an era. It has its detractors and also fans.
We hope this guide was helpful, if there is anything further you would like to know, please feel free to reach out to us!
If you want to know more information about scopes click Here.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.