What is a boresight and how to sight in a riflescope without a boresight?
These are questions most people ask.
Boresights are not boring.
Let’s get into it!
How to Sight in a Rifle Scope Without a Boresighter?
Sighting in a rifle scope can sometimes be one of the most frustrating parts of the shooting experience. Some devices can help speed up this process, but what if you don’t have any of these devices available? How do you sight in your rifle without them?
Sighting in a rifle scope without using a boresight requires proper mounting, setting up the scope correctly, and focusing the reticle.
- A solid rest is important when sighting in a rifle. You should use something sturdy to hold your rifle steady while you sight in. If you’re using a shooting bag, make sure it’s well padded.
- A safe shooting location is important. You need a place to stop the bullets before they reach your target. Your backstop should be visible to help you aim correctly.
- Sighting in your gun should be done at close ranges because if you do it too far away, you might miss the target. You can also shoot at longer distances once you’ve gotten used to your gun.
- Manual bore sights work well with bolt guns, but not with semi-autos or pumps. Semi-autos and pumps require an electronic bore sight.
- You can use this technique to help you aim better when shooting. You can also adjust your scope to be more accurate.
- Aim at the center X and fire the first shot. I usually place the crosshair in exactly the same place, and fire two more shots. So I have a three-round group as I find three shots easier to see compared with one shot.
- Evaluate where the first three impacts are on the target and then start making adjustments.
- After you shoot your first round, you need to adjust your gun to account for the different distances. You must also make sure you’re aiming correctly.
- You should shoot a 10-shot group before adjusting your sights. Shooting a smaller group may save you some ammunition, but it won’t give you as accurate an indication of how well your gun is set up.
- That being said, if you want to shoot a rifle with a higher caliber, feel free to increase the group size. Following this process, you should be able to get a scope dialed in pretty quickly and with a minimal number shots.
- A scope ring is a metal or plastic device used to attach a scope to a rifle. A scope base is the part of a scope that holds the scope onto your gun. You should never use a scope without a scope base. There are two types of scope bases: threadless and threaded. Threaded bases screw into the receiver of your gun while threadless bases slide over the barrel. Some scopes come with both a threadless and a threaded base. When you purchase a new scope, make sure to buy a scope base that matches the type of scope you’re buying.
Note: If you want to know a complete guide and tutorials about scopes click HERE.
Items you will need
You should be shooting at several different targets at once. Your first target should be a cardboard box. This will help you get used to how far away you need to be from your target before you can accurately shoot it. After this, you should try shooting at a piece of paper. Then, you should try shooting a real gun at a real target. Finally, you should try shooting an actual person.
Safety equipment should be worn when firing a gun. A rifle should be loaded before firing. Shots should be fired as close to the center as possible. Binoculars or a viewing scope may help to see where the bullets fall. Walk to the target and check if the bullet holes are clustered around the center.
There are two knobs on most riflescopes. One knob adjusts elevation or up and down. The other knob is for windage or Left and Right. Adjust your scope as you read the instructions to orient your shots toward the center of the target.
Note: If you want to gain information on How to Dial in a Scope click HERE.
What Is Boresighting?
Boresighting is a very important skill that every shooter should master. It improves accuracy and shot consistency for any type of firearm. It’s a good practice to get into before shooting a long-distance target. It doesn’t take much time to set up and adjust a rifle scope, but it does require some practice.
Boresighting means removing the barrel and sighting down the barrel to a fixed point in the distance. Most people shoot at a distance of 100 yards.

How to Sight in a Rifle Scope without a Bore Sight?
How to Sight In a Riflescope Without a Boresighter in Easy Steps
Sight-in is the process of aligning your rifle’s scope with the bore. It can be done by using a boresight, which is a tool that attaches to the end of the barrel and allows you to accurately measure the distance between the front and rear sights. If you don’t have access to a boresight, there are many ways to sight-in your rifle.
Here are four easy steps to follow.
- Step 1: Set Up Your Rifle
Before you begin sight-in, make sure your rifle is properly zeroed. To do so, place a small dot on the top edge of the rear sight post and another one on the bottom edge of the front sight post. Next, place your rifle on a level surface and hold it steady. Aim at the dot on the top edge and slowly move the muzzle until the dot on the bottom edge lines up with the dot on the top. Once the dots line up, you know your rifle has been zeroed.
- Step 2: Measure Distance Between Sights
Using a measuring tape, measure the distance between the top and bottom edges of the rear and front sights. Write down the measurement.
- Step 3: Place Scope On Gun
Place the scope onto the rifle. Make sure it is centered on both the left and right sides of the receiver. Also, make sure the scope is parallel to the bore.
- Step 4: Align Scope With Bore
Align the crosshairs of the scope with the marks on the stock. Move the scope forward or backward until the crosshairs are aligned with the marks.
Note: If you want to gain information about Who Makes Redfield Scopes? click HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are Windage Dials?
Windage dials allow you to adjust the windage of your scope for different shooting conditions. The windage dial allows you to move the crosshairs left or right depending on how much wind you’re experiencing. If you’re using a rifle scope, you’ll want to use a rifle scope with windage dials.
Note: If you want to know How to Paint a Rifle Scope click HERE.
What are Elevation Dials?
Elevation Dials are used to adjust the vertical position of the rifle scope. They are usually found on the side of the rifle scope. The elevation dials allow for precise adjustments of the scope’s vertical positioning. This allows the shooter to compensate for different shooting positions and angles.
What are Adjustment Turrets?
An adjustment turret allows you to adjust the elevation of the rifle scope by turning the turret clockwise or counterclockwise. This feature is useful for adjusting the elevation of the rifle scopes when shooting at different distances.
Correct scope adjustments are important and dial adjustment settings should be checked twice.
If you want to know more information about scopes click Here.
John is the Editor in Chief here at The Outdoor Stores. His area of expertise ensures that there is no one better to suggest which rifles are most suitable for your hunting experience. He is also available for you to contact him personally to discuss the types of animals you want to hunt and the terrain you will be hunting on. Feel free to read his posts for expert opinion on Rifles, Scopes, Rangefinders, Bonoculars and Monoculars.